by Pedro Pinho

Synopsis: One night, a group of workers realizes that their administration has organized the stealing of machines from their factory. They soon understand that this is the first signal of a massive layoff. Most of them refuse to cooperate during the individual negotiations and they start to occupy their workplace. So when the administration vanishes to their great surprise, they’re left with a half-empty factory… As the world around them collapses, new desires start to emerge.

2017 / Portugal / 177 min / 16 mm

Produced by Terratreme (Los Perros).

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“An adventurous, energetic ensemble piece, The Nothing Factory echoes certain 60s-70s French screen examinations of labour issues (Godard’s Tout va bien being the most celebrated) but it’s very much its own thing, intelligent and inventive”

— Screen Daily

“Wildly inventive, The Nothing Factory is a grainy, nearly three-hour opus that unexpectedly morphs from vérité-like neorealist drama into that unicorn of cinematic genres: a neorealist musical”

— The Hollywood Reporter

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