by Natalia Smirnoff

Synopsis: Maria del Carmen is a forty-something housewife whose only concern over the past twenty years has been the well-being of her husband and of her now grown-up kids. But when she is offered a puzzle for her birthday, she suddenly discovers she has a very special gift: she can assemble puzzles really fast! Intrigued by an ad “Looking for partner for puzzle competitions” in her local store, she decides to live her new addiction fully, no matter how unsupportive her family is. Together with the author of the ad, a mgnetic millinaire bachelor, she trains to the rules of the game, even if it means lying to her husband… Maria is determined to take things to a new level: she dreams of winning the national tournament and traveling to Germany for the Puzzle World Championship.

Cast: Maria Onetto, Arturo Goetz, Gabriel Goity.

2010 / Argentina, France / 85 min

Produced by Carrousel Films and Las Niñas Pictures

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“Boosted in no small part by Maria Onetto’s beautifully modulated performance, this debut is a charmer. There’s a radiance in her smile that fills the screen!”

— Variety

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