by Gabriel Mascaro

Synopsis: Iremar works at the Vaquejadas, a traditional rodeo in the north east of Brazil where two men on horseback try bring down a bull by grabbing its tail. It’s dusty and back-breaking work, but Iremar is a natural ‘Vaqueiro’ feeding, prepping and taking care of the bulls. Home is the truck used to transport the animals from show to show which he shares with his co-workers, Galega, an exotic dancer, truck driver and mother to her spirited and cheeky daughter Cacà, and Zé, his rotund compadre in the bull pen. Together they form a makeshift but close-knit family. But Brazil and the Northeast are changing and the region’s booming clothing industry has stirred new ambitions in Iremar. Swinging from his hammock in the back of the truck, his head is filled with dreams of pattern cutting, sequins and exquisite fabrics as he mentally assembles his latest sexy fashion designs.

2015 / Brazil, Uruguay, Netherlands / 101 min / Portuguese

Produced by Desvia / Coproduced by Malbicho Ciné and Viking Film.

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Neon Bull is the great discovery of this year’s TIFF… A unique gem”

— Indiewire

“When I watched it I had the same feeling that I had the first time I saw a David Lynch film”

— TIFF artistic director Cameron Bailey
