by Malgorzata Szumowska

Synopsis: Jacek loves heavy metal, his girlfriend and his dog. His family, his small hometown, his fellow parishioners all see him as an amusing freak. Jacek works at the construction site of what is supposed to become the tallest statue of Jesus in the world. When a severe accident disfigures him completely, all eyes turn to him as he undergoes the first facial transplant in the country.

Cast: Mateusz Kosciukiewicz, Agnieszka Podsiadlik, Malgorzata Gorol

2018 / Poland / 91 min / Polish

Produced by Nowhere Film.

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“Delivers the pleasure of vigorous storytelling. It is scabrous, mysterious and surprisingly emotional”

— The Guardian

“The film is hilarious, and manages to be provocative though with a sense of humility”

— The Upcoming

“It’s another vibrant piece of filmmaking from Szumowska”

— Ioncinema

“A masterful look at Polish society, Mug is a universal film that manages to impress, surprise and deeply engage. One of the best offerings of the Berlinale”

— Awardswatch