by Josh Mond

Synopsis: James White is troubled twenty-something trying to stay afloat iin a frenzied New York City. As he retreats further into a hedonistic lifestyle, his mother’s battle with a serious illness faces a a series of setbacks that force him to assume more responsibility. With the pressure on him mounting, James must find new reserves of strength or risk imploding completely.

Cast: Christopher Abbott, Cynthia Nixon, Scott ‘Kid Cudi’ Mescudi.

2015 / USA / 86 / English

Produced by Borderline Films (Afterschool, Martha Marcy May Marlene).

Capture d’écran 2021-10-12 à 17.30.56.png

“Knockout performances!”

— Variety


— Rogerebert.com

“An arresting feature debut. Viscerally acted.”

— The Hollywood Reporter

“A must-see!”

— The Huffington Post
