by Olivier Assayas

Synopsis: Sexy ex-prostitute Sandra hooks up again with debt-ridden entrepreneur Miles. Mixed signals incite the former lovers to give it another go, but rekindling an old romance isn’t on Sandra’s agenda. She is forced to flee to Hong Kong to seek out a new life. Attractive young couple Lester and Sue promise Sandra papers and money. Nothing turns out as expected for Sandra, whose feelings and intentions remain a mystery till the end.

Cast: Asia Argento, Michael Madsen

2007 / France / 106 min

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“The dismay that Assayas captures on Asia Argento’s transformed face, is one of the most beautiful sights that one can enjoy on a cinema screen”

— Télérama

“Olivier Assayas is one of the most virtuoso filmmakers (…) he’s made a plastic work, an osmosis of a descendent of the New Wave and a fan of Hong Kong action cinema”

— Le Monde

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